Sunday, January 31, 2010

I am not a Spider-Fan (like reading the actual COMICS and having original copies) BUT! I saw all the movies... but not 4 or the spoof called Venom. Yeah i didnt really have anything to say.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

this was a random excuse to make a harry potter spoof :B

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The game series 2

you lost it again ;) and now, this is the first time i feature shoop da woop! if your scared of shoop da woop, shoop da woop(as shown)!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The game series

Oh i couldnt resist. btw i am NOT ripping Dilbert off. you lost the game ;)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There is no title for this strip

Do not get confused thinking Mikey actually MADE Bob the angry flower, he's just saying its extremly funny. and also i didnt wanna spoof the first iwc, cuz i might get sued. I DONT WANNA BE SUED :'(

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

STARspeare, WARSiam

if u will notice, when luke was shopping for droids, remember the words ben said, "These aren't the droids your looking for." THAT is what William Shakespeare saying that line, William Shakespeare, 8 years old-itized.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Create your own banner at!
Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
butter is tasty :D

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

BC and the Communication Lover

oh YEAH! today features BC, so i believe it is the first crossover with another comic :D
MMyy ffaaccee iiss aatt tthhee ddrryy cclleeaanneerrss
Am I fixing it at the dry cleaners? YES! ZOMGGMOZ .^.

the most EPIC popsicle of all time

Once upon a midnight in June, I couldn't see the moon. No matter how high I looked, I couldn't see the stream that brooked

In the night's sky so high,
I wanted to eat thy pie
But I knew that I could not
cuz Fred's mother kept on buying pot.

I asked myself, "am I chapped,
Or is it just that I snapped?"
Today's comic is so scared,
I must take to get repaired. -Mikey

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

The reason yesterday's comic was YESTERDAY

and no, rayman doesnt have to do with the comic, just a pic i made. i LIKE it :D and the effects for this YOUTUBE :D made by sand flipper.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stuck in loonyness? Call the cops!

You'll notice if you read todays "pearls before swine", and u dont have to read the paragraph, just read with your head tilted at 90 degrees and you must also read the first sentence.